17 June 2006

happy watergate day

we decided to go for a walk after dinner last night after eating on the patio with the cat outside roaming around. joshua said we had to put him inside or he would follow us and it turns out he did. but that is not the funny part. we just walked around the block instead of our usual mile path and the cat followed us the entire time. after about half way around the block i started to hear an odd noise. it was my cat panting! he is so fat he can not walk a block without getting winded. then he rested for a minute and when i called him he came running like a bat out of hell looking like a bowling ball with feet. he followed slower after that and soon started complaining. about 4 houses down from ours i started feeling sorry for him and picked him up and carried him the rest of the way home. he was still panting. joshua and i were laughing so hard we could not finish our walk. we will need to make up for it tonight as our trip to the grand tetons is in two weeks.

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