30 March 2010

Can I get a doctor's note?

The girls and I took advantage of the beautiful Kansas weather to go for a walk with friends today. On the walk I kept thinking about how I might not have followed through with the idea to get out if I had not invited a friend to join me. How is it that having a friend to talk to makes exercise bearable? I had to load the girls, stroller, water, diapers (big girl panties), and snacks into the car and take a short drive and it was somehow worth it. At the end of the walk my friend and I even started talking about inviting/finding other mommies to walk with us on a more regular basis.

This is an activity that ranks up with cleaning the house or going grocery shopping. I do it but it is not my favorite part of the job. Can I get an exemption? Maybe the doctor can say I have a bone in my back and cannot exercise. Or as Audrey likes to say, "mom, your bone is tired?" Yes, honey, and I would rather be lazy. However, I want to be around to see my grandchildren so we pack up the car and head to the gym more day than not. And we will take advantage of nice Kansas weather and go for walks with our friends. Look for me pushing a stroller with two young girls in it up a hill near you. Honk and wave if you like, we will wave back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i give you permission to be a lazy bastard... sometimes. keep cooking your healthy food and drinking all that water, and i bet the kids will reward you with an occasional nap. and anyway, from what i've seen you've lost the baby weight. you always look beautiful to me, toots.

eee! my confirmation word is RETAR!