23 June 2008

a mind of her own

there has been so much going on that i have not had time to blog about it. audrey and i are very busy women. we go until bedtime, then we sleep. speaking of sleep, audrey changed her sleep schedule suddenly this week. yesterday and today she slept until 5:30 for her feeding and then went back to bed until 8 or 8:30. this threw off the rest of the day so we ended up not having the last nap and taking shorter naps the rest of the day. i like the sleeping in part but i am not sure i want to lose the sleep time during the day. that is when i get stuff done. i may have to live with it. she has also been working on her pincher grasp and has gotten puffed cereal in her mouth on several occasions. it may not seem like much but this is the first step to feeding herself. food is still a challenge. i have been working on feeding her organic foods that i process myself. it is not that hard but it does take a little more time. i made her yogurt and she had steel cut oats yesterday. i need to go so i can feed precious her breakfast.

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