18 March 2010

New challenge to begin Monday

We are still out of town and I will need a few days to take inventory. Mainly of the freezer as it is a chest style; deep, dark, and full. I know we have a small turkey breast in there. In the pantry are several cans of tuna and beans, and some dried beans. Also a flat each of diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. This should be fun. Joshua has asked me to stock items for him to take to lunch so I will need to make room for those items in the pantry. This is a great time to begin this challenge. We are also attempting to put a little money in savings while still paying off a little debt. As soon as I can get some ideas and see what I need to purchase I will create a budget for each week and see if we can stick to it. I love Super Jenn for her weekly meal plans and will make something very similar.

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